04 October 2012

Post-Ceremony PARTY!!!

one word: AWESOME.

01 October 2012


After dozens of shows and hundreds of votes from more than 70 kids...
here are the WINNERS of the CHILDREN'S CHOICE AWARDS 2012 at Ruhrtriennale!

Most Embarrassing Costume/Peinlichstes Kostüm - Ballerina Tutu man from Europeras
Best Lighting/Beste Beleuchtung - Pulse Park
Best Story/Beste Geschichte - Life and Times: Episode 2
The Show Where I Fell Asleep/Die Show, in der ich eingeschlafen bin  - Cesena
Most Fantastical/Meiste Fantasie - Soapéra
Worst Seats/Die schlechtesten Sitze - Folk
Best Autoscooter/Bester Autoscooter - Our CenturY
Most Creative Show/Das kreativste Stück - 12 Rooms
Best Music/Beste Musik - Charles Ives
Most Perverted Pose/Perverseste Pose - Twin Paradox
Cutest Guy in the Whole World/Süßester Junge der Welt - Thiago Granato from Soapéra
Pain in the Ears/Größte Qual für die Ohren - Boredoms
Best Teamwork/Beste Teamarbeit - Enfant
Most Talented Person/Talentierteste Person - Tarek Atoui
The Show I Could Relate to the Most/Die Show, mit der ich mich am meisten identifizieren konnte - Pulse Park
Best Mustache/Bester Schnurrbart - Harry Keilworth of the Bochum Symphony
My Brain Almost Exploded/Mein Gehirn ist fast explodiert - Denseland
Most People/Die meisten Leute - Current
The Show that Made me Want to Dance/Die Show, in der ich tanzen wollte - Disabled Theatre
Girliest Show/Mädchenhafteste Show - When the Mountain Changed Its Clothing
Psycho Look/Psycho-Blick - Life and Times: Episode 2
The Show I Almost Left Because I Hated it So Much/Die Show, aus der ich fast rausgegangen wäre, weil ich sie so gehasst habe - En Atendant
Incredibly Beautiful/Unheimlich schön - Twin Paradox
Best Sound Effects/Die besten Soundeffekte - Tarek Atoui
???! - Prometheus
Best Parade/Beste Parade - Everyday
Best Drama/Beste Dramatik - Europeras
Funniest Voice/Witzigste Stimme - David Bennent from Prometheus-Reading
Are You Kidding Me?/Verarscht du mich? - Sacré Sacre du Printemps
The Show Where I Laughed the Most/Das Stück, bei dem ich am meisten gelacht habe - Disabled Theatre

And...... (drumroll please)....


CCA tally

29 September 2012

Sacré Sacre du Printemps

The jury's last show was Sacré Sacre du Printemps. To compensate for our sadness, we made sure there was even more chaos than normal.

they've got it down 


we had a rambunctious post-show talk

empty pretzel bag salt for eating... ewww!!

which award will it get?!

28 September 2012

When the Mountain Changed Its Clothing

This week we went to the premiere of Heiner Goebbels' new musical theatre piece, When the Mountain Changed Its Clothing, starring the Carmina Slovenica choir. Darren returned, and immediately created havoc with the jury...

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the Bochum van 

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red carpet

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Sara's awesome leg warmers

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post-show talk with 3 girls from the choir 

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fancy drinks!

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Maurice scared of Darren's next move... though you can't tell, Sara is even more terrified

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