23 September 2012

Confetti Storm at Twin Paradox

We saw another performance of Twin Paradox on Friday night with a different group of kids. After the artist talk, they had only one question: can we go on the stage? Still covered in confetti, they got the ok and went to it...

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And then, out of nowhere... the fans to blow the confetti up came on under the floor, igniting screams throughout the hall… we're not sure who it was that turned them on, but whoever you are… 
WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

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thumbs up? Selman thinks so.

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TWIN Paradox

 On Thursday we took the jury to see Twin Paradox, another dance piece in the Ruhrtirennale choreographed by Mathilde Monnier. Would the kids like it as much as Soapera? Not sure, but at least for this show, we had some real twins to be the judges (and some fake ones).

Eske giving Lesson 2 in How to Properly Throw Magnets on the Van:

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there may have been a dance party while we waited for the twins

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walking the red carpet

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Eske confused by the 'unique' women's toilet at the Maschinenhalle in Gladbeck

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how does it work?

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no one tried it out, despite the directions

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Sonja and Jenna, side pony-tail twins

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Betül and Nelli, black hat twins

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Zoe and Noelle, the real twins (and the camera shy ones)

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post-show artist talk with one of the dancers

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Vivian practicing for her future dance role in Twin Paradox?

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