17 May 2011


On Saturday night, Jury group #3 saw Rene Pollesch's 'Ich Schau Dir In Die Augen, Gesellschaftlicher Verblendungzusammenhang!' We sat at the front on cushions for the show, which was performed by one actor who spent most of the performance in his underwear or in spandex pants. There were lights and drums, there was music and spraypaint...Big hit. I thought Jury member, Victor, was going to spring up and run onstage on several occasions. It was both philosophical and funny, and the actor, Fabian Hinrichs, was really great. He has an entourage of 25 people who help him make that show happen, so we weren't able to inform him about the Jury's presence in the audience that night, but he was still willing and happy to pose for some pictures after the performance.

Talking to Fabian