On Monday (May 23), Jury group #5 was treated to a PIZZA DINNER on the rooftop of the Theatre National thanks to Coordinator Extraordinaire, Diane, and a full tour of the Theatre National thanks to Technical Director, Colin. We got to see where the costumes were made, the dressing rooms, different theatres and sets. We also got to ride in a giant elevator. Colin saved the backstage tour of 'Habit(u)ation' until after the Jury watched the show. I think they were even more creeped out than Jury group #4 was, but seemed to enjoy finding out how the technicians created the illusions; particularly, how they made it look like the goldfish was being boiled alive. If you want to know more about that, ask Ethan. He's an expert now. We also learned why you can't say the word 'rope' backstage in a theatre, and why bunnies are bad luck.
The girls from Ecole Aurore treat us to a dance performance while waiting for the show to start in the lobby!