10 October 2011
02 October 2011
And the Winners Are...
Urheilullisin/Most sporty - Svop/t's Näkökulmia/Viewpoints - presented by Aaro
Musikaalisin/Most Musical - The 100 Year Old Rock ‘N’ Roll Band's A song for the decade - presented by Miika
Märin/Wettest - Pekka Mäkinen's Ympäri Kaupunkia/Around the City - presented by Ilari
Onnellisin/Happiest - Svop/t's Näkökulmia/Viewpoints - presented by Tin Hla
Uskollisin/Most believable - Aaron Williamson's Haaksirikkoutunut villimies/The marooned wildman - presented by Santeri
Hulluin/Craziest - Tryst's Avustettuja kadunylityksiä Kuopiossa/Assisted street crossing in Kuopio - presented by Jaasper
Hitain/Slowest - Heidi Fast's (Uudelleen)virittäytyvä kuoro/(Re)attuning choir - presented by Kaius
Kolmanneksi Paras/3rd Best - Svop/t's Näkökulmia/Viewpoints - presented by Leevi
Tylsin/Most Boring - Kirsi Pitkänen's Julistaja/Proclaimer - presented by Viivi
Kiltein/Kindest - Brian Lobel's Puhdistus/Purge - presented by Meiju
Karvaisin/Hairiest - TIE between Aaron Williamson's Haaksirikkoutunut villimies/The marooned wildman and Lone Twin's Beastie - presented by Noora
Pimein/Darkest - Elaine Kordys' Analogiat voivat saada tuntemaan olon kotoisaksi/Analogies can make one feel at home - presented by Jaasper
Kiinnostavin/Most Interesting - Juha Valkeapää's Äänimuotokuvia/Vocal portraits - presented by Artturi
Paras tekniikka/Best Technique - Christopher Hewitt's Seinämaalauksia/Wall drawings - presented by Dap Hoe
Ällöttävin/Most Disgusting - Gaëtan Rusquet's Edestakaisin/Back and forth - presented by Noora
Kaunein/Most Beautiful - Gaëtan Rusquet's Edestakaisin/Back and forth - presented by Liisa
Sokkeloisin/Most maze-like - Pekka Mäkinen's Ympäri Kaupunkia/Around the City -presented by Santeri
Hauskin/Funniest - The 100 Year Old Rock ‘N’ Roll Band's A song for the decade - presented by Joonas
Pelottavin/Scariest - Heidi Fast's (Uudelleen)virittäytyvä kuoro/(Re)attuning choir - presented by Leevi
Hölmöin/Silliest - Kirsi Pitkänen's Julistaja/Proclaimer - presented by Niko
Ihmeellisin/Most Extraordinary - Lone Twin's Beastie - presented by Netta
Vaarallisin/Most Dangerous - Tryst's Avustettuja kadunylityksiä Kuopiossa/Assisted street crossing in Kuopio - presented by Oona
Nopeiten nähty/Fastest Viewing - Christopher Hewitt's Seinämaalauksia/Wall drawings - presented by Oona
Oudoin/Weirdest - Elaine Kordys' Analogiat voivat saada tuntemaan olon kotoisaksi/Analogies can make one feel at home - presented by Rida
Idioottimaisin/Most Idiotic - Brian Lobel's Puhdistus/Purge - presented by Ilari
Sekavin/Most Confusing - Juha Valkeapää's Äänimuotokuvia/Vocal portraits - presented by Eetu
Eloisin/Liveliest - Gaëtan Rusquet's Edestakaisin/Back and forth - presented by Aaro
Järkevin/Most Relevant - The 100 Year Old Rock ‘N’ Roll Band's A song for the decade - presented by Netta
Paras mielikuvitus/Best Imagination - Pekka Mäkinen's Ympäri Kaupunkia/Around the City -presented by Meiju
Jännittävin/Most Exciting - Aaron Williamson's Haaksirikkoutunut villimies/The marooned wildman - presented by Soe Tun
Toiseksi Paras/2nd Best - Tryst's Avustettuja kadunylityksiä Kuopiossa/Assisted street crossing in Kuopio - presented by Niko
Parhaista parhain/Best of the Best - Lone Twin's Beastie - presented by Eetu
Musikaalisin/Most Musical - The 100 Year Old Rock ‘N’ Roll Band's A song for the decade - presented by Miika
Märin/Wettest - Pekka Mäkinen's Ympäri Kaupunkia/Around the City - presented by Ilari
Onnellisin/Happiest - Svop/t's Näkökulmia/Viewpoints - presented by Tin Hla
Uskollisin/Most believable - Aaron Williamson's Haaksirikkoutunut villimies/The marooned wildman - presented by Santeri
Hulluin/Craziest - Tryst's Avustettuja kadunylityksiä Kuopiossa/Assisted street crossing in Kuopio - presented by Jaasper
Hitain/Slowest - Heidi Fast's (Uudelleen)virittäytyvä kuoro/(Re)attuning choir - presented by Kaius
Kolmanneksi Paras/3rd Best - Svop/t's Näkökulmia/Viewpoints - presented by Leevi
Tylsin/Most Boring - Kirsi Pitkänen's Julistaja/Proclaimer - presented by Viivi
Kiltein/Kindest - Brian Lobel's Puhdistus/Purge - presented by Meiju
Karvaisin/Hairiest - TIE between Aaron Williamson's Haaksirikkoutunut villimies/The marooned wildman and Lone Twin's Beastie - presented by Noora
Pimein/Darkest - Elaine Kordys' Analogiat voivat saada tuntemaan olon kotoisaksi/Analogies can make one feel at home - presented by Jaasper
Kiinnostavin/Most Interesting - Juha Valkeapää's Äänimuotokuvia/Vocal portraits - presented by Artturi
Paras tekniikka/Best Technique - Christopher Hewitt's Seinämaalauksia/Wall drawings - presented by Dap Hoe
Ällöttävin/Most Disgusting - Gaëtan Rusquet's Edestakaisin/Back and forth - presented by Noora
Kaunein/Most Beautiful - Gaëtan Rusquet's Edestakaisin/Back and forth - presented by Liisa
Sokkeloisin/Most maze-like - Pekka Mäkinen's Ympäri Kaupunkia/Around the City -presented by Santeri
Hauskin/Funniest - The 100 Year Old Rock ‘N’ Roll Band's A song for the decade - presented by Joonas
Pelottavin/Scariest - Heidi Fast's (Uudelleen)virittäytyvä kuoro/(Re)attuning choir - presented by Leevi
Hölmöin/Silliest - Kirsi Pitkänen's Julistaja/Proclaimer - presented by Niko
Ihmeellisin/Most Extraordinary - Lone Twin's Beastie - presented by Netta
Vaarallisin/Most Dangerous - Tryst's Avustettuja kadunylityksiä Kuopiossa/Assisted street crossing in Kuopio - presented by Oona
Nopeiten nähty/Fastest Viewing - Christopher Hewitt's Seinämaalauksia/Wall drawings - presented by Oona
Oudoin/Weirdest - Elaine Kordys' Analogiat voivat saada tuntemaan olon kotoisaksi/Analogies can make one feel at home - presented by Rida
Idioottimaisin/Most Idiotic - Brian Lobel's Puhdistus/Purge - presented by Ilari
Sekavin/Most Confusing - Juha Valkeapää's Äänimuotokuvia/Vocal portraits - presented by Eetu
Eloisin/Liveliest - Gaëtan Rusquet's Edestakaisin/Back and forth - presented by Aaro
Järkevin/Most Relevant - The 100 Year Old Rock ‘N’ Roll Band's A song for the decade - presented by Netta
Paras mielikuvitus/Best Imagination - Pekka Mäkinen's Ympäri Kaupunkia/Around the City -presented by Meiju
Jännittävin/Most Exciting - Aaron Williamson's Haaksirikkoutunut villimies/The marooned wildman - presented by Soe Tun
Toiseksi Paras/2nd Best - Tryst's Avustettuja kadunylityksiä Kuopiossa/Assisted street crossing in Kuopio - presented by Niko
Parhaista parhain/Best of the Best - Lone Twin's Beastie - presented by Eetu
01 October 2011
Monsters vs. Beasties
Are Mammalian worlds colliding once again? Darren will have to fill me in on the project since I don't know too much about Monster Makers.
Saturday morning, and as usual, the jury arrives early. It's a good thing that these kids are so good at killing time as we wait for Lone Twin's Beastie to begin.

Saturday morning, and as usual, the jury arrives early. It's a good thing that these kids are so good at killing time as we wait for Lone Twin's Beastie to begin.
They then come up with his backstory. Our Beastie, Otsu, was hatched from an egg on Jupiter, where he and only one other Beastie live. At the tender age of 700, Otsu is still a young boy. Thinking Otsu's egg was a football, his friend accidentally kicked him down to earth, where he landed in Kuopio, just outside of Kulttuuriareena 44.
Petrina's working on tallying votes while I blog. We leave soon for the 100 Year Old Rock N'Roll Band, the last stop for CCA Kuopio. We've got all three juries tonight. Wish us luck!
30 September 2011
Making Jury History?
It was a big day for the CCA Kuopio with many new, interesting experiences. We started the day off by picking up Jury B and heading to Gaetan Rusquet's Back and Forth. When we woke up this morning, none of us knew that we were going to see a naked man, but there he was. After about ten minutes of giggles and protest, the kids settled down, got past the nudity, and actually became engaged in the piece.

But at first, the nudity was a little too much for Kaius.

And when Gaetan started popping his balloons, the noise was a little too much for Liisa. Mammalian Diving Reflex, teaching kids around the world that sometimes, Art hurts.

But at first, the nudity was a little too much for Kaius.
And when Gaetan started popping his balloons, the noise was a little too much for Liisa. Mammalian Diving Reflex, teaching kids around the world that sometimes, Art hurts.
I didn't get to see the popping balloons, because today was a two jury day. Fifteen minutes into Gatean's performance, Sampsa (who is adding taxi driver to his resume) and I got back in the van, headed back to the school, and picked up Jury C, whom we took to Juha Valkeapaa's Vocal Portraits.
When Mammalian worlds collide. Children's Choice Awards Kuopio? Or Haircuts by Children Holland?

When Mammalian worlds collide. Children's Choice Awards Kuopio? Or Haircuts by Children Holland?
Jury B and Jury C then met up in the railway station, where Christopher Hewitt had completed his drawing of Netta.

When 17 kids get together, they can get rowdy. The noise was too much for Christopher, who couldn't concentrate on his work. Understandable. The kids were running around like crazy. But when we corralled everyone and lined them up against the opposite wall to make space for Christopher, he said he still couldn't work and asked us to leave! CCA Kuopio Kicked Out! A CCA first?
29 September 2011
Crossing the Street, A Wildman and Truth or Dare
On the lookout for TRYST's Assisted Street Crossing in Kuopio, Jury C cut through the railway station and found Christopher Hewitt hard at work on his life-sized mural of ANTI Festival's artists. Timing is everything, and Christopher needed a photo of one of the kids for the mural. The lucky model chosen was Netta. Sometimes being the shortest pays off. If Christopher's first mural is any indication, Netta can come back when she's 20 and see her image still on the train station's wall.

Netta checks out the menu of lifts.

Petrina opted for worker's choice, and she was given the donut lift.

Waiting for TRYST at the Festival Centre, Jasper created his own art and we played Truth or Dare.

We were getting tired after experiencing all the art and being out in the cold all day, but there is no rest for the wicked. We dropped off Jury C and picked up Jury A. Traveling in style, we set off for Aaron Williamson's The Marooned Wildman.

Looking for the Wildman

The Wildman was found, and Noora feeds him Digestive cookies.
Netta checks out the menu of lifts.

Petrina opted for worker's choice, and she was given the donut lift.

Waiting for TRYST at the Festival Centre, Jasper created his own art and we played Truth or Dare.
N.B.: Netta (top model) has never pooed her pants. Or so she says...

Paul and Clarinda of TRYST stop by the Festival Centre to have a chat with Jury C.

But sometimes signing up to win iPhone 4s and riding the elevator up and down is more exciting than Art...
Paul and Clarinda of TRYST stop by the Festival Centre to have a chat with Jury C.

We were getting tired after experiencing all the art and being out in the cold all day, but there is no rest for the wicked. We dropped off Jury C and picked up Jury A. Traveling in style, we set off for Aaron Williamson's The Marooned Wildman.
Looking for the Wildman

The Wildman was found, and Noora feeds him Digestive cookies.
28 September 2011
Jury B Meets Heidi Fast's (Re)attuning Choir & Svop/t's Viewpoints
Waiting at the Kuopio University Hospital for the piece to begin.

With their unique vocal performance, Heidi and the choir lead us through the corridors of the hospital.

Jury B heads into the streets of Kuopio to find Svop/t's stairs.

Along the way, we find out that this is a strict no pooing and no peeing zone.

But who needs to climb stairs when you can climb a fence?

Jury B ends the day with a stop at the Festival Centre to have an artist talk with Tron (of Svop/t's) and Heidi.

With their unique vocal performance, Heidi and the choir lead us through the corridors of the hospital.

Jury B heads into the streets of Kuopio to find Svop/t's stairs.

Along the way, we find out that this is a strict no pooing and no peeing zone.

But who needs to climb stairs when you can climb a fence?
Jury B ends the day with a stop at the Festival Centre to have an artist talk with Tron (of Svop/t's) and Heidi.

Pekka Makinen and Brian Lobel's Purge
We started the day yesterday by blinging the van with magnets. This is the photo before we left. Some magnets may have found new homes along Kuopio's streets...
After decorating the van, we began our first day of jury duty. Jury A braved the rain and set off on a mission to find Pekka Makinen's photographs. The photographs taken of the last decade at the ANTI Festival have been put up around Kuopio. It was difficult to understand what was happening in each piece without a write-up, so we took our best guesses at what we thought was going on and what the artists were trying to say.

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