Netta checks out the menu of lifts.

Petrina opted for worker's choice, and she was given the donut lift.

Waiting for TRYST at the Festival Centre, Jasper created his own art and we played Truth or Dare.
N.B.: Netta (top model) has never pooed her pants. Or so she says...

Paul and Clarinda of TRYST stop by the Festival Centre to have a chat with Jury C.

But sometimes signing up to win iPhone 4s and riding the elevator up and down is more exciting than Art...
Paul and Clarinda of TRYST stop by the Festival Centre to have a chat with Jury C.

We were getting tired after experiencing all the art and being out in the cold all day, but there is no rest for the wicked. We dropped off Jury C and picked up Jury A. Traveling in style, we set off for Aaron Williamson's The Marooned Wildman.
Looking for the Wildman

The Wildman was found, and Noora feeds him Digestive cookies.