We started the day by asking class 4C about the art they've seen in the past. Could they describe it? Did they like it? Why or why not? We then showed them a couple of videos:
The Sultans Elephant by Royal de Luxe and
Muto by blu. We talked about why we liked or disliked the pieces and what award we would give them if they were part of the Anti Fesitval. We worked on envelope design before having lunch with Liisa, Noora and Viivi in the cafeteria. Meatballs and potatoes for everyone except Petrina who got special vegetarian balls that were apparently delicious.
After lunch, we came up with a list of categories before decorating our trophies. The only question now is who's going to win the Most Wintery award? What about Most Idiotic?

Sampsa persons the hot glue gun station.

Sometimes more chocolate gets eaten than decorated.

Oona and her trophy.

The art in our bedroom is by Noora.

And this is what our living room looks like after putting all the magnets on our van signs.