11 May 2011
Toshiki Okada/chelfitsch: We are the Undamaged Others
Last night Jury group #5 saw 'We are the Undamaged Others' at the Theatre National. It was a challenging piece (performed in Japanese, subtitled in French and Dutch) about happiness, unhappiness and maybe anomie? It moved slowly, and was fairly long, but most of the Jury made it to the end. My favourite moment was at the end when the white block on stage (the only set) was lit beautifully with coloured spotlights, representing the sunrise. Toshiki came out again to meet the kids after the show, and answer questions.

Heading inside!

the giggles

Heading inside!
the giggles
CCA: Children's Critical Analysis
Here's a peek at what's been said so far. Can you see any front runners for the awards ceremony?
Norfolk & Norwich Festival Launch & Saxophone Massive
I really enjoyed this performance because it was unique and I really enjoyed the beat of the saxophones. The people in the performance were wonderful, a definite five stars from me. ~ Genevieve
Today at the NNF11 we had free ice cream, drinks and food. This has been amazing so far. We are at the speeches now and later we are going to a show. I think this is great and I think everyone is going to have fun. ~ Hamoud
Professor Bumm's Story Machine
This was fantastic – I absolutely loved it. I have never seen a comedy like it. I laughed a lot, as did the entire audience, young and old. I would recommend it to anyone. ~ Chloe E.
It would be hard for anyone not to enjoy the Professor Bumm show because it was so funny and imaginative. The audience really enjoyed all six short stories they made up on the spot, using all their silly props. The hour-long performance was fast and furious and made me feel really lucky to have the opportunity to be a VIP guest. ~ Kayleigh
Ragroof Tea Dances - In the Mood
We had a red-carpet into the Tea Dance, which was a hall set up in Chapelfield Gardens. There was a great atmosphere in the venue. The Bee Knees (who were comically dressed as bumblebees!) demonstrated how to do the Swing, Jive and Charleston, and encouraged everyone to get on the dance floor. Before we knew what we were doing, we were all dancing the Charleston, with jazz hands. Truly brilliant afternoon. ~ Courtney B.
Walking in with the 1940s music playing, we knew this was going to be an experience. There was a great atmosphere as professional dancers showed us all how to jive and waltz. After dancing for an hour, there was tea and cakes –very traditional but a welcome refreshment. The overall experience was amazing! ~ Amber
L'Effet de Serge
L'Effet de Serge was funny and scary in parts because they had a firework on a stick. It blew my mind! Spellbound. The best bit was when Serge did a little show and his friend gave comments to him after. It was a bit boring watching Serge sit watching TV. ~ James
The performance is a very unique approach to drama. Although there is not much acting, you can connect with the characters, it's like your a member of the cast. The performance is strange, it gives me different ideas about how I see drama. ~ Genevieve
Action spoke in this and took the place of words. Serge's life portrayed a sense of abnormality in many places and he was probably trying to make it better. It was very awkward sometimes when his guests came. ~ Ella
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