07 November 2017



Very Futuristic/とても近未来だったで賞
& there was no decoration on your stage/ステージにかざりがついていなかったで賞
-> RAM CAMP in Kyoto 2017

Couldn’t Understand because the Words Were in English and It Was Too Dark/ 暗すぎたのと英語だったから意味がわからなかったで賞
& Super miracle everything was brilliant/スーパーミラクルぜんぶよかったで賞
-> Researchlight: Something there

It was so great that I wanted to record it so I can watch it again/ おもしろかったからビデオでとってもう一度みたいで賞
& The action was too crazy and made me feel nervous/
-> Teppei Kaneuji: Tower

I hope you will come back/また来てほしいで賞
& It was so beautiful I couldn't take my eyes off it/きれいすぎてくぎづけになったで賞
-> Xiaoxing Sun: Here Is the Message You Asked For... Don't Tell Anyone Else ;-)

It was dark and made me feel lonely/くらくてさみしくなったで賞
-> Naoko Tanaka: Uninternalized (light)

The show made me consider award/考えさせられたで賞
-> Marcelo Evelin: Demolition Incorporada; Sick Dance

I was so suprised, I almost dislocated my jaw/ びっくりしてアゴがはずれそうになったで賞 -
& BEST OF THE BEST/ベスト・オブ・ザ・ベスト賞
-> Heiner Goebbels & Ensemble Modern: Black on White

The music was too slow and made me sleepy/ 音がゆっくりすぎて眠くなったで賞
-> Ryoji Ikeda & Eklekto: music for percussion

I was suprised that there were many movements I have never seen/ みたことがない動きが多くてびっくりしたで賞
-> Trisha Brown Dance Company: Anthology: Trisha Brown

Sounded like being in a forest of temptation/ ゆうわくの森にいるような音だったで賞
-> Minhee Park: No Longer Gagok: room 5

Teamwork/ チームワーク賞
-> Takuya Murakawa: Independent Living

It was so funny that we all tried to mimic it award/ おもしろすぎてみんなで まねしてしまったで賞
-> Yudai Kamisato / Okazaki Art Theatre: The Story of Descending the Long Slopes of Valparaíso

04 November 2017

KE 2017 - The Story of Descending the Long Slopes of Valparaíso

So, the very last show of the CCA 2017 at the Kyoto Experiment Festival was The Story of Descending the Long Slopes of Valparaíso by Yudai Kamisato and Okazaki Art Theatre. We went again to the Kyoto Art Center and enjoyed the evening.

Riko noticed that her outfit looks like a Minion today. 

03 November 2017

KE 2017 - Marcelo Evelin / Demolition Incorporada: Sick Dance

Today a few kids saw Sick Dance by Marcelo Evelin/Demolition Incorporada. The show is advertised as 18+ or anyone under the age of 12 being accompanied by a parent. So, we had parents with us too, yay!
Although the show had some challenging subject matter, the Jury still was interested in watching it. With their parents beside them, they braved the dark, uncomfortable sounds, and strange (and sometimes disturbing) movements. Afterwards the kids were a bit speechless but opened up a bit when they got to meet the dancers and Marcelo, himself. One of the dancers told me "...confused is a feeling, too".

02 November 2017

KE 2017 - Trisha Brown Dance Company, Anthology: Trisha Brown

Today we saw an amazing dance performance by Trisha Brown Dance Company; Anthology: Trisha Brown. The jury got to see part of the tech rehearsal and was inspired to practice their dance moves before the performance. They ran into the dancers back stage and made quite an impression.