24 September 2013

Sunday double-header: Stifters Dinge & In Absentia

Sunday was ANOTHER double-header! First the jury headed back to Duisburg to see Heiner Goebbels' Stifters Dinge, the Unguided Tour. Here they are, with an extra large box of Juicy Fruit for the day...

we met again with Kulturrucksack, who talked with the kids before we went inside

eeeeeeerie lights of Stifters Dinge!

we toured around the installation, stopping to watch what was happening from all sides

outside, the jury had a chat with Heiner Goebbels about the piece

and afterwards, we had time for a bit of Sunday fun... darts anyone?

oder fußball?

the jury taunted Lina from behind the camera while she was being interviewed... 

there was a little fußball game that happened

and cups!

there was the 'running over all the picnic tables until you're exhausted' game

andddddddd..... then we picked up MORE kids for the evening show, In Absentia, a cine-concert featuring visuals by the Quay Brothers

we walked the red carpet...

crazy blurry Jana-Jenna!

the light cutting Leon's head off!

VIP cola on the pause


and smiles

we met with the Quay Brothers after the show, and talked about the meaning of the two films. Leon talked a lot about the links he saw between the two, and suggested that maybe the second one should go first? some food for thought for the Brothers!