Tonight's menu - showbiz anecdotes and sappy songs, from Scottish native Alan Cumming! Luckily, Alan Cumming Sings Sappy Songs is performed right in the Hub, where our youth jury meet everyday before walking to the venues. This night's transit time took thirty seconds and traversed one single corridor, which left plenty of time for playing (more) Cards Against Humanity.
And how to describe the man himself? He was funny, charismatic, had great biceps (according to a few jury members) and performed a range of songs from a traditional Glaswegian ballad to Avril Lavigne. He punctuated the singing with a few personal stories. Our favorite was the one about removing a tattoo of an ex-lover's name on his groin, which relies so much on delivery, and is totally sweet and hilarious all at once. A few of the jury tried to hang around Dunnard bar in the Hub in order to sneak into the after-show party, but we were all asked to leave because most of them aren't eighteen yet. Another time!